You can contact ABT for a number of reasons. All messages will get a reply but I can't promise an immediate response.
Everything mentioned in our conversations will be
confidential unless I feel that your life may be in danger.
I will do my best to reply to all messages ASAP and give the best advice I can, with recommendations to more direct and helpful support.
I will do my best to reply to all messages ASAP and give the best advice I can, with recommendations to more direct and helpful support.
Please include your email so I can reply to you.
Your first and last name do not have to be real but I would appreciate it if you dont have rude or offensive terms, if you would like me to contact schools or organisations I will have to have your real names. When writing about your problem, please write what issue you have (options below) before writing your issue. Bullying Mental health issue (please state the issue) Media and Business Your stories Other |